Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Starting a Blog (Or, My Manifesto)

The title of this blog (Fidere Deo) means "to be faithful to God." I did not choose a Latin title to sound educated: that's just what came to mind. My main concern right now is to address issues related to a faithful (i.e., accurate) understanding and application of God's self-revelation to mankind. I believe God has revealed himself in many ways and at different times throughout history, culminating in the revelation of his Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2). I believe that the Hebrew Scriptures and Greek New Testament are God's inspired word, written both as records of divine revelation and as revelation themselves (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). Scripture comprises all of God's revelation that is necessary for life and godliness, and is intended to lead to the knowledge of God himself (2 Peter 1:2-3a). Therefore, Scripture is our primary and uniquely infallible source of information about God (contra natural theology, or what can be learned of God through creation as discerned by our fallen selves) : it is how God has both communicated and preserved other communications to us. Even the ultimate revelation of God, Jesus Christ's earthly life and ministry, is recorded accurately for us only in Scripture.

Therefore, I am concerned primarily with how to receive this gift of the Bible. What is the proper way to understand Scripture? How is the Bible to be put to work in my life today, and in the life of the Church, which is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15)? So my purpose in writing is to start a conversation about the proper understanding of what God has revealed in Scripture (i.e., faithful interpretation) as a means to proper knowledge of God (i.e., relationship). Hence the title has a double meaning: Fidere Deo ("to be faithful to God") means both accurately handling Scripture and rightly aligning my life with Scripture. I desire to be faithful to God.

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